How Does A Bitter, Pissed Off, Overworked E-book Writer, Working 2 Jobs, Turn Her $7 E-book* And That No One Wanted To Buy Into A $1700 Guide (*not about making money) That Created A 3 Month Waiting List For Her Other 4 Figure Workshops  Without Rewriting A Single Word…

Let's Skip All the Hype and Gimmicks and Cut to The Chase, Shall We???

Hey There HEY!

Don’t you just hate when you get to a sales letter and its all about how the creator/coach/strategist (or whatever they are calling themselves this week), "was once like you” and how you too can be a billionaire in 4 simple steps and 2 Jedi mind tricks?

UGH, right?

Or one of my favorites to give a hard eye roll, is “if I had it to do over again”… seriously? Just stop. We know that once the mind expands it cannot retract to its original size… what kind of BS are these people peddling? You will NEVER be a newbie, clueless and desperate begging for a little sunlight in the darkness that is starting a biz from scratch in overcrowded markets… but I digress.

I’ve decided to do something a little crazy this sales page, because, hell, why not? I am actually going to teach you a few things about how the lizard brain works, cool???  Yep, stuff that is easily implementable right now… stuff that you can go out and apply RIGHT NOW!!!

**Side note- I don’t like writing long sales pages and certainly don’t enjoy reading them… In all transparency, if and that’s a rare “if”, I stumble on something I may consider worthy of an investment, I scroll to the price and bonuses. LOL

Chances are, you are over the whole “sales page” thing anyway… so, for this page, I’m just going to teach you a few things for free. Undoubtedly, you will see the value and since I don’t believe in leaving people hanging, I will tell you exactly where you can get more …

Deal???? Cool beans!!! Let’s jump in…

You are smart enough to know that having good offers or even great offers isn’t enough in these overcrowded marketplaces… Especially where Marketplace Sophistication, Buyer Intelligence, NOISE and Skepticism is at an all time high and trust is at an all time low...

You would agree wouldn’t you, that its far more powerful for your prospects to decide for themselves that they want to work with you, rather than you trying to convince them to buy, right?  

Showing the value helps your prospects and customers make THEIR OWN DECISION to BUY. YAY! They feel good about it, you feel good about it, WIN-Win, right?

It’s time for a serious reality check… they don’t WANT YOUR STUFF and they HATE YOU ALREADY for showing it to them.

The reality is, not only is the marketplace is crowded as heck and basically every solution can be found “free” with some google searching… Buyers’ ARE JADED, PISSED OFF and still suffering the after effects of the last purchase they made from a #BS coach/consultant/strategist/"whateverist", right?

Every day we are facing buyers who have been used and abused by every  Tom, Dick and “Coach” in the game… I mean entire groups and websites are dedicated to “outing” the scammers online.  Heck, I was writing about Guru Worship 6-7 years ago when I started noticing some dangerous patterns of shady behavior. 

Buyers are smarter than ever AND as suspicious as ever and in many instances, rightfully so.  They are walking around with some serious psychological baggage left from the last “strategist”.  While it sucks for the honest among us, it nevertheless is ever present and the sooner we recognize it, the better for our prospects and buyers and ourselves.

  • How cool (freaking fantastic) would it be if you could talk about what you do in real world terms that your prospects could understand and actually happily pay for, no questions asked?
  • Aren't you ready to dump that BS and start communicating the real value, not as some catchphrase or industry hype, but in an exciting way that pierces the buying brain differentiates us from the competition… and makes the buying decision easy.  Let’s face it, if it aint easy, the buying brain aint interested!Let me put it another way…
  • Don’t you want more sales (make more money) because people KNOW how valuable your stuff is, without you having to do set yourself on fire to get attention, try and do the hard-sell shaming tactics or be a jerk?
  • How many sells didn’t you make because you felt uncomfortable with talking about your fees or prices wondering if your prospects understood what they were getting… especially, if you are totally honest, you aren’t even sure how to talk about it?
  • Ever felt like somehow you were going backwards??? Spending months creating an offer, product or an e-book then work like a dog to try and figure out how to explain how “valuable”  it is or how  you are going to “convince” people to buy it???

Does This Sound Sadly Familiar???

  • Lost Business Because You Can’t Convince Them How Good You Are
  • You lost sells didn’t you make because you felt uncomfortable with talking about your fees or prices wondering if your prospects understood what they were getting
  • You’d rather pull out your finger nails and poke out an eye rather than sell yourself
  • Constantly thinking, something must be wrong with me, if I can’t get across to people what I offer and how it can change their lives.Wondering what to charge so that people want to buy it without trying to “negotiate” or barter with you
  • You are so busy trying to do all the other “stuff” you supposed to do to be successful that you just don’t have time to do anything else
  • You kind of feel like a blow hard when you are talking about the value you offer
  • It’s just freakin embarrassing to chase after clients
  • You feel like you don’t have enough of a track record to get people to work with you
  • You’re great at what you do but you struggle when trying to explain your valueYou’re unconventional and all your clients are different
  • The clients that have worked with you, have got amazing results, but you’re in a crowded profession and need to stand 

What if you were able to suddenly stop fumbling over pricing because you have actually calculated the real world value of your transformation and your prospects feel like its Black Friday to get to buy from you? 

How cool would it be to actually show the value of what you do and get 60% more sales with the same amount of traffic and effort? Simply by making minor tweaks that have BIG RESULTS...

What if you could access a simple technique that enabled you to hit the core desires of your prospects and make the buying decision easy for them…turning them into lifetime clients and customers?

Sound like a Stretch? Check this out

According to Yankelovic Research- the

average prospect is exposed to 5,000 ad messages per day compared to just 30 years ago when the average person only saw up to 2,000.

In marketing + business--- in this New Connection Economy... if you aren’t speaking directly to the Lizard Brain, AKA The Buying Brain AKA the Buyer in Chief… you are bringing a knife to a gun fight!

How do you even compete with over 5,000 Marketing messages per day?

***REAL TALK…Your audience is fed up with marketing... And I mean ALL types of marketing… “Marketing with Heart”… “Soul Level Marketing”,  “Marketing with Love”… “Heart-Centered Marketing”, "Aligned Marketing and every other “marketing” by any other name!!!

What remains true though, is that people are still willing to pay for the things they value… typically in the form of solutions to their problems and/or the satisfaction of a specific core desire. 

Yes attraction of clients is importantbut what happens after that????

If you have gone through all the trouble of getting some eyeballs on your sales page, video, or email… you don’t want to muck it up by not knowing how to show value right?

*Buying Brain Nugget #1

 #1 Price is only an issue in the absence of value!!! People place value on things they buy based in part on what they perceive they can get out of it!!!

Case Study: Lisa Brown

About Lisa...


  • Was working a regular 9-5
  • Wanted to help people and make more money so she could quit
  • Hired lots of coaches and bought lots of online programs
  • Decided to write an e-book and hired an e-book writing coach
  • Took her 6 MONTHS to finally complete her e-book
  • **This WAS NOT A “How to Make Money” Book or business type e-book
  • No sales after 1 year of trying to sell it
  • Wasted all of her savings and was pissed off!Out of money and totally frustrated, she reached out to me for a RAD Audit
  • The book was so good but she didn’t know how to talk about the value someone would get from using it
  • After....
  • Honed on the specific problem and extracted the real world value in a way that the people knew EXACTLY what they were getting and how it could immediately reap a return on the investment.
  • Took the same $7 e-book- turned it into a “Guide.. Rewrote the sales page to speak directly to the “Buying Brain”$7 dollar e-book Now Sells for $1,687 as a “Guide”...
  • She showed the actual VALUE in a way that the Buying Brain could hear!!!
  • Created a 3 month waiting list for her private 4 figure in person events

*Buying Brain Nugget #2

#2  The best products can easily demonstrate their real world value... Never ever manufacture value… and when you know the actual value in real world  “dollars and cents” or “percentages”, aka "Real Numbers"...YOU don’t even have to…

Imagine… YOU, EFFORTLESSLY and HYPE FREE-- showing the value of your transformation in a way that just felt good… Wouldn’t your business be easier? More fulfilling? And WAY More profitable?

How cool would it be if.... While everyone else is out there doing the whole benefits and features thing, you’ll be out there speaking to that part of the prospect that will ultimately take action… AKA The Buying Brain…

*Buying Brain Nugget #3

#3 Always Speak in quantifiable terms; Numbers are simple, show contrast and essentially “paint a picture” 10 times faster than descriptive words or abstract ideas of happiness and joy Lisa used an easily repeatable, proven tool I created called “Numberize™”.

Numbers Stir Emotion… YAY! They are great sources of anxiety (when used for good, not evil). They also arouse curiosity which is so important for service professionals getting their marketing messages heard.

Just think about it.... If someone asks you these questions, which require a number, do you not feel something stirring? Blood pressure going up? Maybe your heart starts racing?

“How much money do you owe?”

"How old are you?"

"How much money do you make?"

"How much do you weigh?"

The fact is, over 90% of businesses and in particular service professionals don’t really know how to use numbers in a way that doesn’t feel like they are pulling numbers out of thin air...

*Buying Brain Nugget #4

#4 The buying brain understands 

numbers in EVERY language, EVERY industry and EVERY Business

The Lizard Brain loves numbers… Numbers allow the Lizard Brain, AKA The Buying Brain AKA“The Buyer in Chief” to make fast decisions and that’s exactly what we want!

Let’s look at some examples of Numberizing  in action…? I’ll give you the “typical” message and then the Numberized  version, cool?

Typical Message

I’m a sales trainer. I empower people to have confidence in sales.


*“Numberized Message” *

Our customers sold 13.5% more with 10 % less customers with a 2 sentence close formula. (In our latest promotion, our customer’s close rate is up 47% and that was just 6 weeks ago.)

Typical Message:

I'm a Vocal Coach. Gain confidence with your vocal skills


*"Numberized Message"*  

After just 1, 3 hour session, more than 50% of my clients are adding at least 1 octave to their vocal range

Typical Message:

I'm a health coach.  I empower people to take control of their health, lose weight and live their best lives.


*“Numberized Message”*

I show people how to crush their ideal in 6 months or less and drop their body fat by up to 30%.

Big Difference, Right?

Numbers help your listener “see” the money, the results, the peace of mind, the health benefits, the great relationships – whatever you are offering!!!

What I just gave you is an overview of the exact same formula I used to show Lisa how to take her $7 e-book that no one ever wanted into a $1700 guide without changing a single word!

**She was able to create a picture using real world “Numbers” so her prospects could LITERALLY see the value

*The best products/services/offers can easily demonstrate their real world value

Obviously, YOU as one of the 5%ers would welcome the opportunity to get the more in depth framework and stop trying to convince your prospects of your value

So For You Serious Entrepreneurs, Tenacious Coaches, Small Business Owners, Wantapreneurs (want to be entrepreneurs), Consultants, and Empire Builders, I’ve Created…

The YAY BLAST Value Calculator

In the YAY Blast Value Calculator Training, you’ll get access to proven “Numberized” examples from over 10 industries financial planners to physical products…


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SSL creates an encrypted connection between this web server and your web server allowing for private information to be transmitted without the problems of eavesdropping, data tampering, or message forgery.


Call me at +1 760-459-4945 or Email Us: Support@

Here's a quick shout out regarding the "Ways of the Revenue Radical" from Lisa...

"I’m the case study of Tiphanie’s latest program- The Value Calculator”. I came to her for one of her RAD Audits.  The YAY Value Calculator is one of the easiest ways to sell something online and offline.  If you This will help you tremendously! Using her formula calculations you can eliminate all the mistakes that most people make. You can also make selling something so much easier. I didn’t know how to talk about what I do since it wasn’t about money. I wrote this e-book that I poured my life into and hired a coach to put together. I couldn’t sell it for even 7 dollars. It took me 6 months to write this e-book. I was frustrated and got an audit with Tiphanie.  I wish something like this would have been around when I first started out. It would have cut my learning curve in half. Don't hesitate on this. Get it at whatever price. Its worth it. I took my $7 dollar e-book and used the calculation formula and now sell the same thing for $1,687, not including backend sales.  I didn’t have to sell my soul to the devil either. “  Lisa Brown

How Frustrated Are You Trying to Talk About What You Do and Why You 100% Deserve to Be Paid Good Money for It In A Way That’s Real and Unique Without Sounding Like Some Obnoxious Blow-Hard or the Other  Hyped Up So-Called Experts In Your Marketplace?

The YAY Blast Value Calculator is YOUR SECRET WEAPON  in today's over-saturated, hype-filled, more of the same BS marketplace. 

In the YAY Blast Value Calculator training you get an over 90 minute easy to implement + no fluff training that you can use within minutes to start speaking to the buying brains of your prospects… NO HYPE of BS Required! 

Even if you're shy, have no confidence, don’t know and certainly explain the real value of your work in simple terms, hate selling, a total newbie or don’t have the time or energy to “learn” how to do anything else

You will get access to the workbooks, worksheets, videos and Mp3s with real world Numberized examples for a variety of businesses… from Life Coaches to Graphic Artists… from Fertility Specialists to Software Companies!

Discover How to Use Real World Value to Make Real World Money…

So you can stop trying to “sell” yourself and prove your value to someone… which is NEVER fun!

So they VALUE the h*ll out of what you offers…

So your prospects FEEL they can’t live without you...

Even if you can’t talk about what you do and how you can help… instead of explaining anything you’ll be drawing pictures and going straight to the buying brain…

Even if you hate to sell – you can deliver your message any time, any place to any one and not feel totally gross, like you are begging for business or that they are feeling sold to…

Let’s Face It…

Not knowing how to talk about what you do, sucks in EVERY WAY…

Imagine… YOU EFFORTLESSLY and HYPE FREE showing the value of your transformation in a way that just felt good…

Wouldn’t your business be easier? More fulfilling? And WAY More profitable?

Naturally, if you implement everything I just shared with you, you’ll see amazing results in your business…

  • You would agree wouldn’t you, that when you can show the real world value without seeming like you are pulling “numbers out of you’re a*s”, you gain trust and credibility faster; simply stated, you are more believable??? YAY! The fact of the matter is, if you are reading this page, YOU KNOW you have value, but just aren’t sure how the heck to talk about it so that they “get your value” without being pushy or seeming like you are blowing smoke…
  • Do you agree that the sooner you know how to talk about what you do that speaks DIRECTLY to the buying brain without the hype and BS, the better?
  • Do you agree that the sooner you start “Numberizing” the better?
  •  Do you agree that you’ll have more confidence which inevitably leads to more action taking, more money and more satisfied clients??
  • And do you agree that you want the whole process to quick, easy and painless?

If so, then click here to get access to the YAY Blast Calculator Now, Because this is the training and guide you’ve been searching for!

  • Get the No-Fluff, Real Talk, Gold Nugget Rich YAY B.L.A.S.T. Value Calculator Training
  • The YAY Blast Value Calculator Worksheet with examples
  • The Lifetime Value Calculator Workbook and Worksheet- Understanding what actually determines if your prospects that “get” the value of what you provide, and will ultimately allow you to charge and receive 10, 20, 30
  • Numberize Training Workbook- Proven “Numberized” examples from over 10 industries financial planners to physical products
  • The Finding Numbers Worksheet, with examples and Walk-through Video
  • Mp3s of the Entire YAY B.L.A.S.T. Value Calculator Training

***Even at $147 It is Worth 100 Times the Investment

Sending Radical YAY Your Way,


My Q to Your A--- aka Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who is The YAY B.L.A.S.T. Calculator For?

It’s designed for ANYONE who wants to wants to give value in exchange for money i.e. sell their stuff! Service professionals (or those who want to be and aren’t sure how to replace their income)—Coaches, Consultants, Product Creators, Software Developers, Attorneys, Therapists, Dentists, Doctors, Accountants, Actuaries, Architects, Engineers, Veterinarians, Management Consultants, Psychologists, Independent Social Workers, Optometrists, etc.

…WHO Desire to Serve More Clients, Make More Money and Aren’t Sure How to Make Their Stuff “Stand Out” without being sleazy, working harder or fancy photo shoots and other useless stuff…

…Entrepreneurs, Service Professionals and Business Owners who want to grow their businesses fast

If you are a “Beginner” in the online space and/or information product creation, then you will get started on the right track.

If you are a “Veteran” to this online game and you are finding the “old world” tactics aren’t working like they used to, then you need a fresh approach that gets great results and you will undoubtedly enjoy this training.

…If You aren’t yet a Solo Practitioner, Independent Service Professional, Entrepreneur, Business Owner or some other iteration of the “Self-Employed”, or simply would LOVE to be… this is a great short cut to leap frog over the pack of the market and make immediate waves with your prospects.. YAY!

The YAY B.L.A.S.T. Calculator is NOT for everyone. This workshop is best suited for:

Those of you that recognize to have something different, you have to do things differently

People that KNOW the importance of NOT being one of the crowd and are ok with creating their own category of 1 for which there are NO competitors…

People that are ready to create their future now.

Solos who want to expand their influence, income and impact fast.

Those of you that already know you feel the tug that it’s time to create a lifestyle and not just a living.

People who are open to think differently

People who welcome being themselves in their marketing and messaging (these are one in the same in the Connection Economy)

Ready for greater possibilities and opportunities for your life and living….

The 5% of You That Know Something Greater is Possible and Desire to Live that Possibility…

2. Is this something I can do even if I have a full-time job?

YES!!! As I said, I have 4 babies 10 and under ( Twins +1+1) and NO NANNY. It’s just me and the babies, with no support. If I can do it, ANYONE can! As I mentioned, one of my twins has special challenges, and I manage to get things done.

Once you have the right tools, you will see just how easy it is to speak with confidence about what you do… it will flow because you are reaching the buying brains of your prospects.

YOU CAN Execute These Strategies Badly AND Still Get a Positive Return on Your Investment.

Heck, I give you all kinds of real world examples from all kinds of industries and business; That’s the beauty of the YAY B.L.A.S.T. Calculator Workshop. You don’t need a genius IQ, just a framework and willingness to get results.

3. What if I’m already overwhelmed by too much information; won’t this just add to the overwhelm?

Actually, the opposite is true because the YAY B.L.A.S.T. Calculator is something, well RADICAL. Unlike other courses or workshops, this one is keenly focused on implementation.

My aim is to cut through the overwhelm, with actual, proven, scientifically backed strategies, not hacks. My promise is to give you everything I absolutely can. I’ve designed the training, so that it would be nearly impossible for you not to give your online presence a positive boost and stand out.

4. What if I Don’t Have the Funds?

Well, the question, for you is, can you really afford not to come? If you don’t have the funds to grow your practice and create more freedom and revenue generating activities, it means that what you have been doing up to this point hasn’t worked, right? So each day that goes by without you having a clear profit path means you are going to continue to struggle, waste time and lose hope. Remember, what got you to where you are, will NOT get you to where you want to be. New action is required to create new possibilities and new opportunities One of my favorite quotes at the heart of everything I say, do and teach, is by the effervescent late R. Buckminster Fuller. He says, “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To Change things, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.

5. What if I don’t like sales and marketing?

I get it, believe me. You didn’t go to professional school to “market”. However, the quantum leap in your life and practice happens, when you make the leap from being the doer of what you do, to the marketer of what you do. If you are an accountant, you’re not in the business of doing taxes, or managing profit and loss statements, as a lawyer, you’re not in the business of giving legal advice or document preparation. You are in the business of marketing what you do.

You can be amazing at your profession, but if you can’t effectively communicate your value, to your ideal prospects, what’s the point?

Too many business owners and service professionals, spend time on getting shiny new equipment, 10k websites, or hiring social media consultants, without the foundations of business 101; YOU ARE THE BUSINESS, especially in the new connection economy. The YAY BLAST Calculator is about being the dominant business in your community or category and shutting out the competition. The only way to do that is to be visible. David Packard of Hewlett Packard, recognized this very principle, “Marketing is too important to leave to the marketing department”.

It is also important to note, if you can solve a problem, it is your karmic duty to sell it. Selling is being of service to someone.

6. How will joining  The YAY B.L.A.S.T. Calculator Workshop help me now?

The YAY B.L.A.S.T. Value Calculator is connecting with your clients, patients and prospects in a way, that makes them feel heard and compels them to act based upon your messaging.

This Workshop Intensive is those of you, who want to get noticed online, attract ultra-targeted leads, create a pipeline full of potential patients or clients and convert them actual patients and clients who return and bring their friends and family without being a douche.

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